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For Once.

How many times can a person fall in love? Countless?
But is there a love that suffices a lifetime, if not last?

"For Once."

Was it Fear that held me back? 
The fear of not matching shoulders? 
The fear of not being liked? 

Or, was it leakage? 
A leakage, taking away the zest from my life. 
Life from my soul. 
A leakage, never sealed. 

Could it be that I got carried away? 
This mind I possess took things to a station unvisited. 

"Love is Eternal." 
The heart knows not much about love, but it is learning lessons on Sacrifice. 
This soul knows not many, but it knows You belonged here. 

Eternity sounded large. 
However, none realised it was as large as large could be. And we, we were larger. 

Stages stepped on with age. 
Faces new with every changing phase. 
Emotions and speculations on New people. 
New people, knew little. 

The tenure was uncertain. 
The tenure was not detrimental.
What has Time to do at all, that 'tenure' even strikes a chance? 

With some time passing by, realisation hit- Time isn't the Ultimatum. The Ultimatum is the feeling. 

We are two souls. 
Alongside for now, not knowing what Time has for Us. On the verge of Diversion, are our two souls. Two souls that are almost One. 

Diversion knows paths. 
Paths that are parallel.
They go on as long as forever, but never do they meet. 

So are we. 
We are almost One, because we are only parallel. 

Well, the answers are still unfounded. 
And this life will go on as one soul, which felt complete once. 
Completion is certain. 
It will go on forever, yet alone. 
Is it fear, a leakage, a takeaway or just Love?


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