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Showing posts from April, 2017
Dear Reader, I have nowhere-close-to-an-idea as to what I am going to fill you with, but I will fill you.  My Emotions are not planned and are not always under my control. In fact, I belong to a kind where a lot of my feelings are spontaneous and unaccounted too, at times. I feel pangs of hunger and of sadness, I feel vexed because of certain beings and happenstance. I feel love for others and I feel loved in turn. However, none of it seems to be under my influence. There is a string of events and elements in my mind, even now, as I type what I (hopefully) intend to.  Let me throw in or introduce a little something called THE UNIVERSE, to our conversation. What is the universe to you? What is its power and influence? How is it? Answer and keep it to yourself. Now, what are You? In this world. In the entirety of the entire existing sphere and the system of spheres. What are you to yourself?  Answer. Keep.  I like to believe that I was born with the power of the Universe. I