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I can see.
I can see the different colours and also monotone. I can see through the crowd and I can even peek through a hole. I can see the birds fly and I can see the humans. I can see objects and also motives.
I can hear.
I can hear the television loud, I can hear the traffic, static. I can hear your words and I can hear Nature. I can hear through your actions.
I can smell.
Smell the sweet scent of incense sticks which I, by the way, can burn and light. I can smell the tempting aroma of Maa's cooking and I smell the reek of the rotten vegetables. I can smell as my olfactory senses are stable and sound.
I can taste, the delicious and the tasteless; the bitter and the sweet. I can taste the feeling of defeat and also victory. I can taste Art and I can taste Music. I can taste and I believe in my tastes.
I can touch.
I can touch beings, both living and dead, moving and stationary. I can touch people's hearts and that makes for another, I can convince people and I can make an agreement.
I can speak. I am sound.
I can speak for the right. I can speak to entertain. I can speak to prove a point and also to defend.
I can defend. I, also, can offend. I can speak and my speaking can attract. I can be confident, and can speak for myself.
I can breathe.
Breathe the freshness and the pollution. Breathe the scent and the odorless. I can breathe life.
I can move. I can walk. I can jog. I can exercise, but I can be lazy too. I can rest, I can work all day and can have a strange addiction too. I can wander around for long hours because I can think for the longest. I can travel with or without my phone. Oh, yes! I can. Trust me on that.
I can amuse others and also myself, because I can attempt. For the very same reason, I can annoy. And, I can apologize. I can admit my folly and submit to the situation. I can kneel, which means, I can take a punishment. I can fight, both physically and verbally; if needs be. And, I can also win. But, I can also avoid violence and I can back off because I can be sensible.
Oh, yes. I can balance. I can balance a bottle on my open palm, which I suppose, everybody can. I can balance between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong. I can admire Art and effort and can also advise and can suggest. I can applaud because I can appreciate, but can also place an argument. I can also lose. I can arrange stuff into neat shelves and racks because I can be a fop, and I can also, very simply, mess things up.
I can be punctual and can arrive on time. I can lead to delays in the deadline.
I can decorate, I can stitch, I can carve and can also sit.
Oh yes, again. I can sit, I can pick things up the ground. I can bend and I can be grateful because not everybody can. I can skip, I can jump, do a little jog and sometimes, can also run. I can be alert and alert you too since, I can announce a deed and sometimes even make you do. I can analyze a situation, I always do. But, sometimes I can allow my senses to fool me too. I can question. I can ask. I can answer and I can pass a task. I can push a button, I can pull a door. I can push ideas into you and can even pull them out. I can entertain because sometimes, I can appear out of the blue, can attach myself to you, can perform for you and can dare to be different too. I can sing. I can play the guitar. I can even put them together and record them into a piece. I can chop, I can cut, smash, wash, crush, break. I can cook sometimes, too. I can bite the food and chew it and I can swallow it too. I also can bake a cake.
I can bathe a puppy and I can feed it. I can brush and comb its fur and can coach it to behave. I can cover it when it's cold. I can take care. I can carry some healthy load, I can shift positions, I can be firm. Makes way for, I can command, compete, cope and even compel. I can influence. I can identify the people I know just by their smell and touch but I can also get confused and yes, I can confess my feelings- negative and positive, both.
I can be concerned. I can be mean. I can love and I can also hate. I can like, dislike, choose and confuse too. I can change, grow, transform and can be true.I can be rooted and not fall for everything new. I can calculate, number, count, label, I can read too. I can rhyme and also compose a poem. I can compare and contradict. I can pause and continue. I can copy, I can correct, consider and connect. Divide, but also complete. I can doubt and I can trust.
Disapprove, disagree, disgrace, disappear- I can do these things too. I can desert and can deliver myself to isolation too. I can be delighted and can be delightful. I can lead. I can follow, examine, excuse, fix things, fold clothes, force, form creative ideas, frame plans, gather- can glue and sew them together and I can form a piece too. I can take photographs and I can hammer a nail to fix it up a wall. I can film videos and hum a few background melodies. I can hover and also fetter but I can hug you, if you come for composure.
I can be calm and poised. I can help. I can ignore if the best results out of it and I can always improve and check myself. Imagine, that is something I can do and I can instruct my heart and my mind to be at equilibrium too. Seems like, I can control and impress. Express.
I can learn and level up in an argument or a game. I can laugh and I can lighten. I can be liked. I can manage, march, listen, look, notice, obey, offend, order, permit, meddle, offer and note. I can pretend, possess, refuse, regret, relax, rejoice, sigh, settle, scare, ruin, rush, risk, spot, spell, scream, scold, report, reply, protect, protest, be present, precede, proceed, wait. I can cry.
I can pack, unpack, vanish, tell, hear, listen, catch, wave, whine and I can welcome.
I can keep a promise. I can hold onto my words. I can succeed, fail, succumb, tremble, tour, touch, tie, tempt. I can stare and I can make you feel uncomfortable. But, I can support. I can love. I can miss. I can mourn for a loss. I can overflow with emotions and can be emotionless too. I can live. I can die and I am pretty sure I can decay after death. I can write and use as many words as there are and never be tired. I can wonder. I can understand and after all these, I can sleep sound, and not have suicidal thoughts. I can dream, lucid too.

Apparently, I can do 263 verbs and can still carry on.
But, I can also stop.
That makes, plus one.
To add to it, I know I can
Because I am Human. I am Sound. I am Able. I am Fine. I am the Universe.

And trust me, I can Explain.


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