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I watch a loneliness rise

I watched the ghost that pulls all things down in operation today
As the sharp edges of the paper-crane 
Succumbed to the falling of its insides to the ground 
One with a red bucket with three drops of liquid something
Watched as another loaded synthetic sacks on to the paper crane
A toothbrush in hand and a mouth full of sins 
A sick cat, and a wobbly moving paper crane. 

A machete cuts through the throat of the paper crane, and the sacks cry, now suspended in air 
The toothbrush still violently attempts to clean all dreads 
As a robin singing a blue song flies past the red bucket 

I watch a loneliness rise as the oil from the hurt paper crane spills and forms oblique figures on the puddle of the three dots in the red bucket 
Green walks past the portraiture of anguish on the oil spill
And sings along with the robin, a cyan tune 

The police in running steps on the oil and further he goes
To meet the countenance of soreness through a giant plummet
And sings a cacophony of pretense and sanctimony 
And attracts a crowd of muted entities, which when speaks makes farcical sounds 
A grey tune hovers around in stale air and a loneliness rises just above

A burgundy figure dips their needle into a container roaring with electricity through an immersion rod from the switch, to fret and be brought back to the realm of sensation
But only encounters a loneliness dancing in the current 
And sits down on the cold marble floor and smiles as teardrops roll down her disfigured husk 

The giant paper crane sang its bleak cries 
And the oil spill mixed with soap 
The toothbrush broke and the mouth decayed 
The wordless herd went to sleep 
The police remained, advancing with a preaching noise and muting others furthermore. 

All as I watch a loneliness rise just above a film of slime lies.

//visits between 06:45 and 07:55 hours

Note: the idea for the caption came to me when I saw a truck unload dry cement and a single person in the construction site witnessed the entire scene. 

It is drawn from 새소년 So Se Neon's I'm watching a loneliness just arisen 나는 새롭게 떠오른 외로움을 봐요
Take it as a song suggestion, too. 


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